Walking Path Offers Exercise, Relaxation to Watermark Residents
Exercise can boost your mood, keep you healthy, and clear your mind. But it can be hard to motivate yourself for that daily 10,000 steps you aim to get if it’s inconvenient. Some days, if it involves hopping in the car to get to the gym or find a destination, forget it. And especially if you have a dog who needs daily exercise, the more convenient, the more likely it is that you will be able to get Fido what he needs. That’s why we are building a gorgeous, approximately 1-mile path on the Watermark property—to make it easy for residents who want or need that daily time moving outside.
The path goes around the 5-acre pond and continues around Watermark on Randall Road, Vantage Drive, and Northwest Parkway. Residents will be encouraged to use the path for walking and jogging. For the safety of walkers and joggers, no biking on the path.
The path around the pond is designed to be very peaceful—you’ll be able to hear the prairie grass whispering and view wild flowers like asters or Black-eyed Susans at certain times of the year. You may even catch the cranes as they patrol the shoreline of the pond. Imagine a tranquil spot to view red tail hawks, bluebirds, loons, monarch butterflies while getting your steps!
Check out a few photos of the path under construction:
Imagine having access to this easy, relaxing path right outside your door! (And if you want some diversity in your workouts, or when weather doesn’t cooperate, you can always enjoy the state-of-the-art equipment in the on-site fitness center.) If you are hungry after you walk the path, remember that great food is only a few more steps away—dine at Rookies, Burnt Toast, Sushi Station, Big Sammy’s and more!
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